Introduction I was recently introduced to a publication promoting an ideology called The Green Pill. I felt disturbed in my spirit and immediately began composing a contrasting ideology that I thought to dub The White Pill. Something much bigger than me pulled me up on that and told me: No More Pills! So I wrote…
Salvation and Seeking God’s Will A series of questions many ask when seeking God’s will orbits the concept of salvation. This is a rather lengthy answer as it attempts to fully address the question using the whole of scripture. We must begin with the idea of covenant. Most western churches do not teach this concept…
Over the last several years, we’ve heard much about taking pills. It began with the choice of a red or blue pill. Once discouragement set in, we saw others described as black pilled. More recently, someone has concocted a green pill manifesto that is so spiritually unsound it makes me nauseous. It seems to be…
Today’s observation is a bit different from the normal discourse you read here, however it is an incredibly important realisation and needs to be addressed. To provide context, let’s go on a bit of an awakening journey together… 2011: My friend from England visited the States with his sons. My daughters and I met them…