Today’s observation is a bit different from the normal discourse you read here, however it is an incredibly important realisation and needs to be addressed. To provide context, let’s go on a bit of an awakening journey together…
2011: My friend from England visited the States with his sons. My daughters and I met them in South Carolina and had a great weekend at the beach. We decided to work on a website for a Bible study project together.
2012: We were officially ‘in a relationship’ across an ocean. Though we were very much in love, we found ourselves often arguing on phone calls. Arguing over nothing, or arguing over faith matters. We didn’t understand.
2013: In February, his older son hung himself after involvment with a demonized girl and her demonic family. She was responsible for the ruination of several boys and the death of two. This not only put any marriage plans on hold, but I was having to work and not writing for the website and he certainly was in no place to maintain it.
2014: We agreed to marry. Immigration, Visas, licenses, medical exams and embassy visits ensued at great expense, and much elapsed time.
2015: We continued to work through the system. His job was terminated and he couldn’t accept an equivalent one as he had to be able to leave the UK on a 30 day turnaround (i.e. within 30 days of being notified that the visa was approved).
2016: He moved on July 2 and we were married on July 29th. I was totally stressed with raising two girls, teaching full time and maintaining a household… plus planning a wedding on my own. He was not allowed to work for 6 months.
2017: He got a job starting in May. I began having major physical problems: gaining weight, retaining fluid, heart palpitations, painful joints and soles of feet and my hormones and emotions were all over the map.
2019: My oldest daughter graduated high school, left our family and rejected our family values. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease and Lyme’s. We had already committed to an exchange student thinking our oldest daughter would love the company.
2020: The scamdemic hit. We were isolated from all of our support. This is where it gets interesting…
Across the pond, a man was attending protests, meeting people, and exploring the Great Awakening. He had become known as a dissident and an incredibly talented one. That spring, he followed me from a huge Twitter account and I followed him back. I thought twice before I followed back… he was outspokenly gay, very intelligent and his followers were loyal. I was of devout Christian faith and had no idea what power flowed through me. I distinctly heard God tell me to stick by this friend, so after speaking with my husband, I did. I immediately felt a flame flicker into being at the base of my skull.
When this man was… behaving unrighteously… the flame would grow dim and fuzzy. When he was passionate (angry, afraid, excited) the flame would rage in my head. For nearly a year, we watched each other from afar sussing each other out. Then we began to talk seriously about matters of faith. I was given dreams, warnings and prophetic words… all of which were divine. Before we knew it we realized that we had a connection like neither of us had ever experienced before. We felt like we were in love, though refused to go there. I was/am married, he was gay. Yet we remained best friends and confidantes and couldn’t bear to part. The relationship with this man strengthened, causing a great strain on my marriage. My husband later reported that every time he got to the ‘end of line’ with the friendship, he would pray about it and then my friend would take a significant step towards accepting Christ. This happened multiple times. My husband, at the time, assumed that it was God moving my friend.
2022: My family moved to another state and began attending a church that was all about spiritual warfare. During the sale of our house, the Arbor foundation wanted to assess our trees to decide if we could sell our property or if the trees were protected (?), then my husband’s credit score randomly dropped over 200 points so we couldn’t get a mortgage loan, and then we were unable to find a rental home. We remained undeterred. After that, my ex husband filed a lawsuit for custody of our only remaining child. The church we were attending (the new church) labeled me a witch and, though never called directly by name (I would have sued for defamation and they knew it) excoriated both me and my husband from the stage. We were held at arms length for a full year.
2023: In January, my husband and I had a huge blow up. My friend did not handle it well. We all got past it, but it was a hairsbredth from the end of my marriage.
In March, my friend was still talking to me 5-6 hours a day, we were texting when we weren’t chatting. He had some plans to travel and was staying with friends along the way.
Here, we were house hunting and having no luck, until that first weekend my husband saw a farm for sale by owner. 19 acres, a beautiful renovated farmhouse… just perfect. But something was very off in the unseen realm which, by now I am wide open to. The winds were blowing like mad, in an unnatural way. A tree fell on the farmhouse, and ended up shooing other buyers away. God gave us the property. The same night, my friend’s car broke down at his first stop over, and his host allowed him to swap cars. Her car broke down repeatedly on his way to his next stop over. I kept advising him to go home… something was afoot in the spirit realm. This was bad. He called to say he had arrived and the only words I have ever heard from his new host were: “Don’t worry, he’s in good hands now”.
My friend has spoken to me only once since. His entire understanding of our 3 year relationship is that I was an obsessed fangirl and his empath mistook my feelings for his own. My husband and I have had a different revelation.
Every time Adrian (my husband) and I stepped into something aligned with God’s plan for us, we experienced vigorous attacks. The enemy has come after our heart, our children, our home, our finances, our health,our marriage and our church. Literally, every time our relationship shifted, we had an assignment against us.
We practice something commonly called ‘deliverance ministry’. I think a better label would be spiritual warfare. As part of our growth, we are learning about how spiritual entities operate, and one way they work is through assignments. John Ramirez is a former high priest of the devil and we have had the honor of meeting him and hearing him out. Notice I did not call him a satanist? He scoffs at the term. He has washed human bones with the devil in his living room at night, had midnight revelry with demons, and placed assignments on people… even causing death. He charged $1,000s for a simple consultation, and would not meet with everyone who could afford to pay it. He’s the real deal. He speaks openly about assignments.
As we have worked through this attachment that I had to a friend who suddenly broke ranks and discarded me like last week’s takeaway, we’ve discovered that an assignment has been placed against us since the day we met. Last weekend I was being affected by my friend’s drama that I knew nothing about… except how I felt. We have prayed fervently for revelation, understanding and how to stop this. We were travelling to our new home this week, and I got a word to pray against: mind control, twin flame, familiar spirits, abandonment and anger. I don’t remember getting the list, but Adrian had our daughter write it down. That night, we prayed. We did battle against everything remaining that was not of God. We prayed against everything except twin flame. I knew whatever was affecting me still existed, so I asked what we were missing. By this time it’s 1:30 am and we are both exhausted… we’ve been up until 3 am every night this week.
We weren’t really aware of what twin flame was, so we did an internet search, as one does, and every article we found was written by someone in one of two roles: a professing witch (usually practicing sex magic), or a psychologist (mind control, manipulation, also witchcraft). This twin flame label described the three year relationship exactly. We went to battle. I immediately rescinded any legal rights a twin flame spirit had to me, and Adrian said: that’s not strong enough- not what I would say. So I told him to do it. I honestly don’t think I could as long as it was still influencing me. He did. And I felt a blaze in my throat and chest. I felt blistered internally. Then I had stabbing pain in my chest as though something was being pulled from my heart. I was sobbing uncontrollably- and I very rarely cry. Once it was over, he felt we needed to pray protection over us and our daughter because whoever, or whatever, had made the assignment would know we had broken it. I went to the restroom and a palpable force nearly knocked me down. We felt the presence of many entities in our room. We were in all out battle.
The good news is that I am free of this years long ordeal and our marriage is more solid than ever. We are stepping into a calling to refound the church and planning a retreat at our property, where wounded warriors of light can come to heal, refresh and fill back up before returning to the front lines.
The bad news is: we are squarely on the front line of the battle and the war. We are proactively praying against attacks and assignments and doggedly withstanding everything the enemy is throwing at us… and it’s a lot.
I have seen mutiple references to flames, and observed twin flame relationships. These relationships are an assignment designed to prevent us from walking out God’s will. If they are successful – marriages, friendships, churches and families are destroyed. If they are unsuccessful – the dark entity responsible will yank whichever person is being used back off assignment, leaving the other shredded in their spirit. My friend was yanked off of his assignment against me, finding himself incredibly confused and acting in unusual ways… He still is behaving very out of character, I suspect because something still influences him. I am left with occasional hurt, and feeling like something is attempting to reattach. Demons know that light has already banished them, but what else can they do but continue to try? If they fail in their assignment, it doesn’t go well for them.
There is incredibly powerful witchcraft about. Be aware.
Walk in the Light as He is in the Light.
Pray without ceasing.